Kunsthaus Tacheles, Berlin (Germany), 2012
I burn my photowork related at my project "Human Alienation”.
The artists Barbara Fragogna, Petrov Ahner, Chiara Mazzocchi, Miriam Wuttke, Alexander Rodin, Chris Rautenberg, Robert Förster, Josè Urhè
and Martin Reiter were burned their works at the Kunsthaus Tacheles on Thursday 26.04.2012 at 17:30.
The freedom of art, reason, and culture as a whole is also threatened by mafia structures in the economy and politics.
Our pictures burn because the city of Berlin has to develop the terrain at the Tacheles itself.
Private investors have failed, they continue to inflict great damage. Berlin is not allowed to buy the area at Tacheles
and to develop a profitable project to finance the city, not to burn at the pile of property speculation.